Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Strategy

The Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Strategy sets out a series of goals and objectives and provides a template for action to guide our community in conserving and managing biodiversity in our beautiful region. The Loon Foundation began work on the Strategy in 2012, in collaboration with numerous experts, partner groups, and community stakeholders.

“Imagine a Sunshine Coast community, which cherishes and understands the ecological and economic benefits of healthy biological processes to everyone, and thus practices responsible coast-wide stewardship of biodiversity.” 

The Sunshine Coast Biodiversity Strategy has six major goals:

  • Goal 1

    All segments of our community are inspired and empowered to value and protect biodiversity, with citizens, governments and businesses actively involved in caring for biodiversity as a part of their daily lives and operations.

  • Goal 2

    Governments, land managers and resource users have developed collaborative strategies and enacted far-sighted policies to conserve biodiversity and ensure that natural ecosystem services on both land and water continue to provide maximum benefit to our community.

  • Goal 3

    Comprehensive knowledge and access to scientific information about biodiversity enables governments, resource users and interest groups to make informed decisions and take responsible action to manage and conserve biodiversity.

  • Goal 4

    The economic value of biodiversity and ecological goods and services is known and appreciated and incorporated into decision making and planning.

  • Goal 5

    A network of protected areas conserves a rich variety of interconnected ecosystems, ecological communities, habitats, species and populations.

  • Goal 6

    Action has been taken to protect, restore and enhance habitats, and mitigate threats to biodiversity, ensuring that healthy ecological communities and viable populations of all native flora, fauna and other organisms survive and thrive across their ecological ranges.

Donations help support our efforts to conserve biodiversity on the Sunshine Coast.


A major milestone in developing the Strategy was the Biodiversity Summit, held May 31 - June 2, 2012. During these powerful three days, diverse stakeholders living and working on the Sunshine Coast came together to share their experiences and ideas, listen to others, celebrate the riches that our biodiversity provides, and act to create a framework for the Strategy.